We are happy to accept order cancellations before we have dispatched the item and you will be offered a full refund to the price of the product/s including the delivery fees. To cancel your order contact us by email immediately and we will process the refund. The refund will be made using the same payment details as those used to pay for the product originally. We aim to process refunds within 14 working days. Once the order arrives with you, this is now classed as a return, and you must follow the returns procedures.


a.) Receipt of Incorrect order. Upon receiving an order that does not match the one you placed with us, you should contact us within 14 calendar days and we will arrange the appropriate solution. You will be offered either a full refund using the same payment details as those used to pay for the product originally, or offered the option an exchange for the item you originally ordered. In both cases the shipping costs will be covered by Tsavori. All products must be returned in the same condition from that which they were sent. All refunds, if the product is deemed in the appropriate condition, are aimed to be processed within 14 working days. 

b.) Receipt of damaged goods. Upon receiving products that were damaged in transit, we would ask that you contact us by email, and send photos of the condition of the product/s. We may offer a full refund using the same payment details as those used to pay for the product originally, or we will send out the same order again at no extra cost. Please note that we will inspect each case and contact our courier, Royal Mail to investigate further. We aim to process refunds within 14 working days.

c.) General Returns. For those who may be unhappy with their order, or changed their mind, please contact us by email within 14 calendar days and we will be happy to discuss this. Assuming the product unopened, untampered, we may offer a full refund. If you have opened the product and are unhappy with something, we would like to hear your feedback by email. We may offer a full refund depending on the circumstances. We aim to process refunds within 14 working days.